
Applicable to calcium silicae board,fiber cement board,panel furniture,solid wood door,cabinet door,handicraft,decorating plate,glassmagnesium board,cement fiberboard,the plane of the plate workpiece and four side,against UV,NC,water-based paint and fluor-carbon painting,such as high quality effect,large quantities of continuous automatic spray paint. Automatic coating equipment can improve the product quality and production efficiency,reduce the loss of paint at the same time,save the cost;130 dust removal machine,converyor,to cover type automatic spray painting machine, 1 flow drying tunnel (stereoscopic UV curing machine) conveyor each one Taiwan; Spray gun is optional high-pressure airless spray gun,low pressure air gun of medium pressure aerated spray gun,can meet the requirements of different craft of spraying; Spray paint line configuration the feeding conveyor, dust removal,and paint drying equipment,improve the effect of spray paint and greatly shorten the drying time,general paint can achieve table dry state,prevent dust pollution and improve production efficiency.

Suitable for calcium silicate borad,fiber cemnet board,decorative panels,panel furniture,cabinets,plooring,plane door,handicraft,shutters,glass magnesium borad,such as plane and the side surface of the workpiece and the opposite sex parts,NC,for continuous automatic UV and water-based paint paint paint,can according to the features of the paint of paint recycling; Automatic computer control man-machine interface touch screen:adjust the fault display,running speed,the speed,correction parameters,display working state;Configuration Sicmens PLC control system,the Japanese servo system installation, schneider frequency control, ensure the steady output of high quality coating machine; Photoelectric sensing system,which is used to detect the incoming workpiece shape,size and position to control the time and scope of spray paint, save the paint; High pressute system by pre filter unit,the top two fan,air pressure system, filtration system, is used to spray the room air filter and the formation of positive pressurte,ensure the into the fresh air the clean.

Introduction to PC Construction Technology
PC technology is our familiar prefabricated assembly technology, that is, in the factory prefabricated production, assembled in the field into a whole building. The PC implements the building from the factory-site-assembled industrial model.



If you have any questions or need to talk with us then please send us an email to dw@sdyzty.com
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No.260 North Ring Road, YanZhou Industrial Park,Shandong Province,China.

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